This week was all about getting the robot to move sideways using different local planners. In my last update, although I had not completely fine-tuned all move_base parameters, I was sufficiently happy about its initial performance. I used Base Local Planner plugin as a local planner, and despite trying everything,...
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My first behavior tree
Experimenting with BehaviorTree.cpp and move_base
I spent this week mostly learning about Behavior Trees, especially in robotics using ROS. A behavior tree is a structure that defines the different tasks of an agent and how to switch between them. Although this is a relatively new concept (for me, at least), its a familiar concept to...
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Navigation stack update
Testing assisted_teleop and move_base
After the last update, I had a robot capable of performing SLAM, building 2D maps and localizing within a map using amcl. This weekend, I continued further and implemented the move_base package to complete the ROS navigation stack. Before I did that, I was exploring the navigation_experimental package and found...
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Comparing different SLAM methods
Experimenting with slam_karto and slam_toolbox
This week, as planned, I tried out Steven Macenski’s slam_toolbox package alongside slam_karto, the ROS wrapper for the Karto mapping library, another popular SLAM method. Before I began, I reorganized the project directory structure to resemble that of the Turtlebot3 repo by Robotis, which makes things easier as it separates...
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First steps with the ROS Navigation Stack
Experimenting with gmapping, hector_slam and amcl
Since the last update, I’ve been slightly busy with other things and hardly had time to work on the robot. However, in the few spare days I had, I was able to make quite a few changes and test out different SLAM methods and start with setting up the ROS...
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